Adelaide Resources (ASX:ADN) has announces new drill results from its exploration plan on Alford West’s Bruce zone which is part of the Moonta project in South Australia. We are very interested in drill hole 285 which didn’t only intersect 9 meters of 2.75% copper but also ended in a zone of extremely high-grade copper, with an intercept of 2 meters at an extraordinary 8.99% copper and 0.44g/t gold (for a total rock value of approximately $630/t). The fact this intercept was encountered just 41 meters down the hole makes this interval even more exciting.

The next phase of drilling at Bruce will very likely focus on drilling along strike length to discover how far the mineralization reaches. Additionally, we expect the company to drill some deeper holes to test the mineralization at depth.

> Click here to read the press release

Disclosure: The author holds no position in Adelaide Resources. Please see our disclaimer for current positions.

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