Tag: Troy

Revett Mining signs $5M equipment finance agreement

Revett Mining (RVM.TO, NYSEMKT:RVM) announced it has signed an agreement with a major equipment financing company which lends Revett $5M with the company’s underground and some of its surface equipment […]

Revett Minerals Inc. - Troy Mine

Another update from Revett Minerals

Revett Minerals (RVM.TO; NYSEMKT:RVM) has provided another corporate and operational update. As of at the end of September, Revett still had a working capital position of $13.5M, which means the […]

Revett Minerals Inc.

Bad news for Revett Minerals

Revett Minerals (RVM.TO, NYSEMKT:RVM) has announced an update on the status of the Troy Mine in Montana, USA. As further dewatering has revealed more structural damage to the haulage route, […]

Revett Minerals Inc. - Ethical mining in Montana’s nature

Revett Minerals – Good news from Troy

Revett Minerals (RVM.TO, NYSEMKT:RVM) has released an update on its efforts to get the Troy mine up and running again. The company completed the D-Drive into the lower quartzite ore […]

Revett Minerals Inc. - Ethical mining in Montana’s nature

Revett Minerals announces the results of their AGM

Revett Minerals (RVM.TO, NYSEMKT:RVM) has announced the results of their Annual and Special General Meeting. As expected, all five directors were re-appointed as everyone received in excess of 90% of […]