Endurance Gold (EDG.V) continues to explore its fully owned Reliance gold project in British Columbia where it has completed in excess of 190 holes (108 diamond drill holes and 84 RC holes). Whereas previously disclosed assay results were focusing on just the gold, the company has now also released some of its antimony highlights given the major interest in the mineral lately.

The company recalculated almost 200 gold assay composites to include the antimony values. This now resulted in a composite average sample length of 10.1 meters with an average grade of 4.55 g/t gold and 0.20% antimony for a total of 4.97 g/t gold-equivalent.

While that 0.42 g/t grade boost does not sound important, at the current gold grade this represents a pre-recovery and pre-payability rock value boost of almost $40/t and this could potentially go a long way to cover a good portion of the operating expenses should the Reliance gold project ever be developed (subject to a positive economic study, of course, as Endurance Gold is still in the early pre-resource development stages).

Disclosure: The author has a long position in Endurance Gold. Please read the disclaimer.

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