Tocvan Ventures (TOC.C) has released the assay results from two holes that were drilled on the Main Zone of the Gran Pilar project. As a reminder, the Main Zone is a 51/49 joint venture between Tocvan and Colibri Resource Corp (CBI.V) while the rest of the project is fully owned by Tocvan.
One of the holes yielded the highest-grade interval in the history of the project. Hole JES-25-104 encountered 9.72 meters of 10.3 g/t gold including a narrower interval of 1.62 meters containing 60.6 g/t. This means the residual 8.1 meters of the mineralized interval had an average grade of 0.25 g/t and pretty much the entire high grade interval is ‘carried’ by the shorter ultra high-grade interval. That’s also the case for the 83.45 meters of 1.27 g/t gold. After filtering out the 1.62 meters of 60.6 g/t gold, the residual gold value is just 81.83 meters of just under 0.1 g/t and while that’s definitely anomalous, it’s not as exciting as the higher grade intervals.

That being said, it does highlight the potential of Gran Pilar and the Main Zone and with the assay results of eight more holes still to be released, it will be interesting to see if we see some similar higher grade intervals elsewhere on the Main Zone.
Disclosure: The author has a long position in Tocvan. Tocvan is a sponsor of the website. Please read the disclaimer.