Aben Resources (ABN.V) has now completed all requirements related to the original earn-in agreement to acquire a 100% stake in the Forrest Kerr gold project in the Golden Triangle district of British Columbia.
During the 2019 exploration season, Aben drilled just over 9,600 meters in 25 holes while it also took just over 340 soil and rock samples. A busy year, but Aben was never really able to repeat the excellent assay results from last year. Aben continued to find sniffs of gold all over the place (with in the recent drill update for instance 100 meters of 0.17 g/t gold including one meter of 4.09 g/t gold and 71 meters containing 0.13 g/t gold in holes 64 and 65 that were drilled in a scissor pattern) while three other holes encountered base metal mineralization as well. But while 1 meter of 0.65 g/t gold 33 g/t silver and 1.62% ZnPb also indicate there’s ‘something’ down there, Aben needs to figure out if there’s another mineralized system that could explain the ‘sniffs of mineralization’ it is getting now.

So while we can’t say the 2019 exploration season was an overwhelming success, the numerous thick but low-grade intervals may help the company’s geologists to design a follow-up drill program in 2020 which hopefully could replicate at least some of the assay results from 2018.
Disclosure: The author has a long position in Aben Resources. Aben is a sponsor of the website.