Alpha Exploration (ALEX.V) has released the assay results from four additional holes drilled as part of the 19-hole Aburna drill campaign. The results from the initial 14 holes were released a few weeks ago (and were discussed HERE), and this week’s update Alpha released the assay results from four more holes (which means the results for one more hole are still pending).

As you can see in the table above, three of the four holes intersected gold mineralization with just one hole not encountering any significant assay results. Hole 16 contains traces of gold (0.52 g/t gold over a 5 meter interval isn’t spectacular) but holes 17 and 18 are more interesting. In hole 17 there’s a lower-grade zone of 0.42 g/t gold close to surface but the 8 meters of 0.94 g/t gold and 5 meters of 1.94 g/t gold just a little bit deeper are more interesting.
Hole 18 is hands down the best hole in this batch of four. It opens nicely with 17 meters of 0.39 g/t which may or may not meet the cutoff grades in a mining scenario, but just a little bit deeper starting at just 47 meters down-hole, the drill bit intersected 22 meters of 4.5 g/t gold. That is an excellent interval from both a grade and with perspective, especially considering it is quite close to surface. Although it’s still early days at Aburna, Alpha Exploration estimates the true width to be 70-80% of the reported width.
The only hole Alpha Exploration still needs to report on is hole 13, which was drilled from the same drill pad as hole 14 but in another direction.
Disclosure: The author has a small long position in Alpha Exploration. Alpha is a sponsor of the website. Please read our disclaimer.