Alpha Exploration (ALEX.V) announced earlier this week the results of a trenching program on the Aburna Prospect, part of the Kerkasha district in Eritrea and 7 kilometers north of the Anagulu Prospect. Of the 30 trenches, 16 returned gold mineralization with trench 22 and 25 showing excellent values with for instance 45 meters containing 3.75 g/t gold and 11 meters averaging 6.55 g/t gold. The table below shows all relevant trenching results.

Unfortunately the press release did not contain a map of Aburna as it simply referred to the company website. We didn’t find a map on the website either but noticed the presentation now includes the data from the trenching program. Several slides were added to the presentation but it’s a pity they didn’t make it to the press release as actually seeing the locations of the trenches is important to figure out how relevant the results are. Fortunately there are now several slides in the presentation highlighting the trenches and the implied continuity of the mineralized areas.

The image above shows the trenches in the Hill 52 area, and you immediately see how trenches 22 to 25 highlight a very interesting area (highlighted in brown). According to the scale, the four trenches on the brown area have now traced what appears to be very intriguing gold values at surface over a strike length of 200 meters, making Hill 52 a very obvious target. Celebration Hill (below) is also shaping up nicely as the trenches seem to have identified a clear southwest—northeastern trend.

Alpha Exploration plans to complete 2,000 meters of RC drilling at Aburna next month so we should see assay results from the drill program in May.
Disclosure: The author has a long position in Alpha Exploration. Alpha Exploration is a sponsor of the website. Please read our disclaimer.