Arras Minerals (ARK.V) has released the results from the re-analysis of three historical diamond drill holes from the Berezski East project in Kazakhstan. The three holes that were re-analyzed are located outside the land package where Arras entered into a joint venture agreement with Teck Resources (TECK, TECK.TO). The image below shows the highlights of the three holes that were re-assayed. Those holes were originally drilled between 2007 and 2010 by previous operators which completed almost 5,700 meters of drilling in nineteen holes.

The Elemes zone, as well as the Beskauga deposit, are not included in the joint venture with Teck Resources which means Arras Minerals should be able to capture all of the exploration potential at Elemes. And considering the mineralization in all three holes started at surface (although at lower grades), the recently released assay results are encouraging.

While the higher grade mineralization in hole Bz 20 only started at a depth of 199 meters down hole, the higher grade mineralization in the other two holes occurred much closer to surface with the 108 meters of 0.94% CuEq in hole Bz6 actually starting at surface while the 46 meters containing 0.71% CuEq and 18 meters containing 1.05% CuEq in hole Bz16 started at a depth of respectively 87 meters and 100 meters.
Interestingly, the copper grades are quite low and the majority of the copper-equivalent grade actually consists of gold mineralization.
Disclosure: The author has a long position in Arras Minerals. Please read the disclaimer.