Caspin Resources (CPN:AX) has confirmed it has initiated its previously planned 1,500 meter dril program on its Bygoo Tin project in New South Wales. The drill program will be following up on historical intervals like 35 meters containing 2.1% Sn, 35 meters of 1.71% Sn and 18 meters of 1.35% tin with each of the aforementioned thicker intervals containing narrower but higher grade tin zones like 5 meters at 6% tin.

The drill program will drill-test the continuity of high-grade mineralisation at the Main Lode and test the extension and continuity of what could be a new lode, north of the P380 lode. Additionally, some of the holes will test the extensions of the Smith Lode and Stewart Lode, while the company may also punch a few holes beneath the historical workings on the northern end of the Steward Lode. The area around and underneath those historical workings has never been drilled.

Disclosure: The author has no position in Caspin Resources. Please read the disclaimer.

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