District Metals (DMX.V) has released the assay results from six holes that were completed as part of the spring drill program at Tomtebo. As a reminder, the drill program was funded by Boliden as part of last year’s 85/15 joint venture on Tomtebo and Stollberg. The six holes represented almost 2,200 meters of drilling.
Of the six holes, three holes did not intersect any significant results and looking at the map with the drill locations and collars (shown above), that isn’t really a big surprise as those three holes should be considered to be sizeable step out holes, drilled about 200 meters to almost a kilometer away from the known underground mining level at Tomtebo. It would have been great of those holes would have hit something, but you can’t really dictate what mother nature has in store.

Holes 41-42-43 are more relevant to the general thesis as those were drilled in the close vicinity of the previously completed holes at Tomtebo. And while the 2D overview makes it look like Boliden and District Metals are just targeting the same known mineralization, the 3D model provides a better overview of how the holes were drilled and confirm all holes actually expanded the known mineralized envelope.

The assay results from hole 42 were the real eye catcher as the drill bit intersected almost 30 meters of 7.4% ZnEq or 2.9% CuEq. The breakdown of that interval is pretty interesting as well with 0.95% copper, almost 2.4% ZnPb, almost 1 ounce of silver per tonne of rock as well as 0.67 g/t gold.
Hole 41 was also interesting with almost 7 meters containing 1.3% copper-equivalent while hole 43 was zinc heavier with almost 4 meters containing 4.5% ZnEq.
Disclosure: The author has a long position in District Metals. District is a sponsor of the website. Please read the disclaimer.