Pacific Ridge Exploration (PEX.V) has confirmed the 6,000 meter drill program on its flagship Kliyul project in British Columbia where it will be following up on the copper-heavy drill results from past exploration programs. As you may remember, the company could only drill three holes last year before it had to stop drilling so this year’s 6,000 meter drill program will be very important to step out from the existing mineralization and to test Kliyul for size.
The main focus of this two rig drill program will be on expanding the mineralization at the Kliyul Main Zone at depth and lateral. Additionally, there will be step-out holes to the west of hole KLI-21-037 and towards the south and east of KLI-21-036 where the drill bit encountered respectively 317 meters of 0.75% copper-equivalent and 437 meters of 0.61% copper-equivalent.

The drill program will be instrumental in proving up size the size of the project in order to work towards establishing critical mass. And of course, as the company needs to complete C$7M in exploration expenditures by the end of 2025, a 6,000 meter drill program will go a long way towards meeting that commitment.
Disclosure: The author has a long position in Pacific Ridge Exploration. Pacific Ridge is a sponsor of the website. Please read our disclaimer.