Eagle Plains Resources (EPL.V) has released the assay results from the 12 hole drill program completed at the Donna project in British Columbia. The drill program was completed in the first few weeks of the summer period but the labs are still slow so it took a while for the company to see the assay results. As a reminder, the summer drill program was directly following up on the exploration activities in 2020 when the Donna activities had to be suspended due to bad weather.

The summary of the more important drill holes can be found above. The best interval was actually hole DO19001 which encountered 1.5 meters of 9.41 g/t gold. That hole was the deepening of a previous drill hole that was completed in 2019. Hole DO21002 was drilled from the same drill pad and targeted the hanging wall and footwall ones. Some gold was detected (with 0.77 meters containing 4.46 g/t gold and 2 meters of 1.33 g/t gold as main features) but the other intervals were less intriguing. Holes 3 to 12 were all drilled at and around the past producing Morgan mine area and while the holes intersected limestone and metavolcanics, and we hope the data from the drill core will help the Eagle Plains geologists to further refine and re-define the exploration targets on the property.
Also keep in mind the surface exploration activities at Donna just continued throughout 2021 and the company’s field team collected in excess of 1,200 soil samples, 84 silt samples and 92 rock samples from the main zones of importance at Donna. All the data from the drill program and field exploration program is being analyzed and the results will be used to put together a 2022 exploration program.

Eagle Plains also provided an update on the Knife Lake project in Saskatchewan, where partner Rockridge Resources (ROCK.V) has just completed its geophysical program. That summer program included an airborne electromagnetic survey, conducted over 610 line kilometers over the Gilbert Lake area, where no modern exploration activities have taken place.
Disclosure: The author has a long position in Eagle Plains Resources. Eagle Plains is not a sponsor of the website, but related company Taiga Gold is. Please read our disclaimer.