Forum Energy (FMC.V) was able to announce Rio Tinto earlier this year as its joint venture partner on the Janice Lake sedimentary copper project in Saskatchewan, and the latter doesn’t seem to be wasting any time to hit the ground running. An initial airborne hi-res magnetometer survey will be flown this month to further refine drill targets for a 20-30 hole drill campaign which should start later this month as well. Forum thinks the initial drill campaign will focus on four ‘areas of interest’:
While Rio Tinto will take care of Janice Lake, Forum Energy also continues to work on its own projects. The company staked additional ground at the Love Lake polymetallic project in Saskatchewan, which now covers almost 28,000 hectares, covering the 2.5 billion year old Swan River mafic complex. Previous exploration programs by former owners did include some drilling, but Forum Energy mentions the Saskatchewan Geological Survey thinks the holes were drilled too far south of the mineralized trenches and didn’t test for a reef type layer.
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