Generation Mining (GENM.TO) has announced the Joint Review Panel has completed the public hearings on the environmental impact statement of the flagship Marathon PGM project (although the company is now referring to the project as a palladium-copper project, after its two most important metals).
The end of the public hearings marks the completion of a two month process that started in March and the Panel will now have to release a recommendation report within 90 days after completing the hearings. That recommendation gets sent to the Ontario Minister of the Environment and the federal Minister of the Environment and Climate change who will make a final decision (thumbs up or thumbs down) based on the recommendation from the Joint Review Panel. There once again is a time limit on this: 120 days after receiving the recommendation from the JRP, the ministers need to make a decision. This means the clock has started to tick and in theory there should be a final approval (or denial) within 210 days after the completion of the hearings on May 19th. This means the company remains on track to secure the permits by the end of this calendar year so it can start the pre-construction activities in Q1 2023.
Disclosure: The author has a long position in Generation Mining. Generation is a sponsor of the website. Please read our disclaimer.