Earlier this week, Li-FT Power (LIFT.V) released assay results from eight holes it completed on its Yellowknife Lithium Project. These eight holes were drilled in four different zones: the only hole that was drilled on the Fi Main zone encountered 23 meters of 1.40% Lithium while the three holes that were completed on the Nite zone also returned interesting intervals with an average grade of in excess of 1%.

The holes art BIG West were less exciting with 1 meter containing 0.62% Li2O and a more interesting 9 meters containing 0.99% Li2O while the Ki zone unfortunately did not return any meaningful lithium values as the two holes drilled at Ki were located about 300 meters and 400 meters from the southern mapped extent. Hole 155 encountered seven pegmatite dykes over 96 meters of core length with a cumulative pegmatite width of 31 meters. Hole 161 encountered three swarms but nothing exciting was found there.
The best hole of the eight undoubtedly was the hole drilled on the Fi main zone. That hole was drilled approximately 300 meters from its northern mapped extent and 250 meters up-dip from a previously drilled hole that yielded 5 meters of 0.49% Li2O.

It now looks like that previous hole was drilling the narrow and poorly mineralized portion of that dyke and the ‘new’ hole successfully intersected the wider and higher-grade portion of the dyke.
Disclosure: The author has a long position in Li-FT Power. Please read the disclaimer.