Li-FT Power (LIFT.V) has released assay results from 13 drill holes (for a total of 2,669 meters of drilling) that were completed on its Yellowknife lithium project in Canada’s Northwest Territories. Of specific interest are the assay results from hole YLP-0281 where the drill bit intersected three separate intervals with lithium-bearing mineralization; 15 meters of 1.19% Li2O3, 9 meters of 1.02% and 9 meters of 0.98% which means the composite interval was 1.09% Li2O3 over 33 meters. Elsewhere at Echo, the drill bit encountered 17 meters at 1.05% Li2O3 and although that width and grade is pretty much in line with what has been encountered elsewhere, this interval came from a new lower spodumene bearing dyke that does not show any outcrop at surface and was never intercepted in previous drill holes. This further enhances the potential to find additional hidden dykes on the Yellowknife property.
Li-FT has now published the assay results from 270 of the 286 holes that were drilled on the Yellowknife Lithium project. This means the assay results of 16 holes for a total of around 2,800 meters of drilling remains outstanding.
Disclosure: The author has a long position in Li-FT Power. Please read the disclaimer.