GR Silver Mining (GRSL.V), the new name of Goldplay Exploration (GPLY.V), has released the final assay results of the 2019 drill program at San Marcial. Of the three holes that […]
Generation Mining will add C$10M+ to its treasury
Generation Mining (GENM.C) announced a bought deal to the tune of C$8M last week with Haywood Securities and Mackie Research Capital as co-lead underwriters. The bought deal was priced at […]
Report: Riverside Resources – Preparing to spin-off Penoles, getting excited about Los Cuarentas
Riverside Resources (RRI.V) has been working to update existing shareholders and attract new shareholders for a little while now with news flow during December and outlining plans in January 2020 […]
Minera Alamos starts building the Santana gold mine
Minera Alamos (MAI.V) isn’t wasting any time and shortly after closing the financing deal with Osisko Gold Royalties (OR, OR.TO) the company has now officially kicked off the construction phase […]
Roscan Gold adds chairman and director, starts drilling at Kandiole
Roscan Gold (ROS.V) has appointed Samuel Jonah as non-executive chairman of the board which now also includes Michael Gentile (who has been upgraded from his previous role as Strategic Advisor). […]
Interview with Joe Kizis, CEO of Bravada Gold
The gold price seems to be hanging in there and doesn’t have any issue to remain above the $1500 level. In a previous report a few months ago we had […]
Hot Chili expands Cortadero footprint
Hot on the heels of excellent drill results in September (which included a stunning 972 meters containing 0.5% copper and 0.2 g/t gold starting at surface), Hot Chili (ASX:HCH) has […]
Quaterra raises US$1.9M by selling water rights
Quaterra Resources (QTA.V) which owns the Yerington copper project in Nevada has been able to fill its treasury with a non-dilutive raise as it sold part of its existing water […]