It’s tough to imagine the discovery hole of Great Bear Resources (GBR.V) was announced just over 13 months ago as the company has made a lot of progress in those […]
Aben Resources is still trying to connect the dots at Forrest Kerr
Aben Resources (ABN.V) has released a few updates on its drill program on the Forrest Kerr gold project in British Columbia’s Golden Triangle area, but unfortunately the company hasn’t been […]
NextSource Materials shows C$250M after-tax NPV in updated Molo feasibility study
NextSource Materials (NEXT.TO) has now updated its feasibility study on the Molo project using the most recent available data to calculate the operating expenses and expected cash flows based on […]
Report: Firefox Gold – Exploring for gold in one of Europe’s forgotten greenstone belts
Finland would hardly be a country you’d think of when considering exploration companies. However, it’s not such a far-fetched idea as senior producer Agnico Eagle Mines (AEM, AEM.TO) has been a successful […]
Brixton Metals completes Atlin Goldfields exploration program, all eyes are on Thorn now
Brixton Metals (BBB.V) has released the assay results from its summer 2019 exploration program on the Atlin Goldfields project in British Columbia where it drill-tested the LD and Pictou zones […]
Medallion Resources completes flow sheet, prepares for the next steps
After a dedicated and detailed metallurgical test program, Medallion Resources (MDL.V) has now completed its flow sheet to extract Rare Earth Elements from a monazite sand product, which usually is […]
AfriTin Mining reports maiden JORC-compliant resources at Uis Tin
AfriTin Mining (ATM.L) has published a first resource estimate on its 85%-owned Uis tin project in Namibia, where CSA Global has put together an initial resource of 71.5 million tonnes […]
Fireweed Zinc drills thick economic-grade zinc-lead zones, but the market still doesn’t care
Fireweed Zinc (FWZ.V) released some assay results from Tom East and Tom North about two weeks ago and although the assay results came back positive, the market shrugged it off […]