A very wise man once said that you need to buy stocks (and assets) when blood is running in the streets, and this adage might very well be true. Enter […]
Beadell sounds increasingly optimistic about Tucano
Beadell Resources (ASX:BDR), a company that has consistently missed the majority (if not, all) of its guidances now seems to be back on track on its Tucano gold project in […]
Cancana Resources will sell an additional 4,500 tonnes of high grade manganese
Cancana Resources (CNY.V) and Ferrometals, its joint venture partner on the BMC project in Brazil, has announced it received an order for an additional 4,500 tonnes of high-grade manganese. This […]
Metanor Resources starts the new Barry drill campaign
Metanor Resources (MTO.V) seems to be stepping up its exploration game and after having decided to complete several tens of thousands of meters of drilling at the new Moroy target […]
Southern Silver’s maiden resource estimate at CLM isn’t bad at all
Southern Silver (SSV.V) has announced a maiden resource estimate at the Cerro Las Minitas project, where Electrum is funding an exploration program to earn a 60% stake in the property. […]
Integra Gold takes a strategic position in Eastmain Resources
Integra Gold (ICG.V) has announced the company has entered into a share purchase agreement with Eastmain Resources (ER.TO) whereby Integra will invest C$6M in Eastmain Resources by purchasing 3.1 million […]
Report: Callinex Mines – Following up on the VMS discovery
Callinex Mines (CNX.V) has made a lot of progress in the past few quarters, and in this update we’d like to look back at what the company has accomplished and […]
Paringa Resources will prioritize the Buck Creek no 2 mine over 1
Paringa Resources (ASX:PNL) has completed a scoping study on the Buck Creek no 2 mine it owns in the United States, and the final result of the scoping study is […]