Grade is king, and oh so important in the current silver price environment. Whilst most low-grade Mexican projects won’t work at $20 or even $25 silver, it’s always important to […]
Report: Minaurum Gold – Exploring a forgotten high-grade silver district… and more to come
A small Mexico-focused exploration company is finally waking up from a long hibernation. Minaurum Gold (MGG.V) was able to survive the downturn on the precious metals market in the 2011-2015 […]
Report: X-Terra Resources grassroots exploration on a new discovery in James Bay, Québec
We usually aren’t too excited about early stage exploration companies, but when those companies attract a big name with decades of experience under their belt, there usually is a good […]
Report: Jericho Oil – Cashed-up Jericho is mulling its options to increase production
The oil price is recovering, but that’s Jericho Oil’s (JCO.V) worst enemy. As the company is employing a ‘growth through acquisition’ strategy, a longer period of low oil prices […]
Report: Duran Ventures – Commissioning has started, 2017 should be pivotal
Duran Ventures (DRV.V) has released its Management Discussion & Analysis report associated with the filing of its Q3 financial results, and now officially owns 80% of the Aguila Norte processing […]
Report: K92 Mining – Is getting really serious about the Kora deposit
K92 Mining (KNT.V) continues to develop its gold mine in Papua New Guinea at an aggressive pace. The 500 tonnes per day mill is up and running now, and in […]
Interview with Jeffrey Reeder, CEO of Duran Ventures
In an extensive review on the Caesars website earlier this year, we discussed Duran Ventures (DRV.V), which was in the final stages of constructing a flotation plant in Northern Peru. […]
Update: Metanor Resources – The Barry PEA
The higher gold price is a blessing for Metanor Resources (MTO.V) as not only does it help the company to generate a positive operating cash flow at Bachelor Lake (which […]