While most of the attention is now going towards the flagship Limousine Butte gold project in Nevada where NevGold (NAU.V) aims to upgrade the gold resource to in excess of 1 million ounces on short notice, the company also has a silver project in British Columbia in its asset portfolio.
NevGold’s technical team has now completed a data compilation and interpretation program and this resulted in identifying potential extensions to the known high-grade vein structures that were discovered by historical drill programs. Those potential extensions now span over 4 kilometers and that’s an attractive enough target for the company to kick off a comprehensive field program in the second quarter of this year, which will likely include a drill program as well.

NevGold has lined up the noteworthy and high-grade intervals from historical drill programs above and as those drill programs only tested a small portion of the land package, NevGold thinks there’s plenty of opportunity to expand the mineralized trend. A Notice of Work has been submitted and NevGold plans to kick off an exploration program in the second quarter of this year. The company seems to be very keen on getting a drill rig going at Ptarmigan to follow up on these historical high-grade silver intervals.
Disclosure: The author has a long position in NevGold. NevGold is a sponsor of the website. Please read our disclaimer.