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Nevada Copper drops below C$1.5 again

Nevada Copper (NCU.TO) was unable to keep its share price around the C$2-level it was trading at just five weeks ago, and in one month, the share price lost almost […]

Yellow Rock confirms high grade zone at Gabanintha

Yellow Rock Resources (ASX:YRR) has confirmed the existence of a high-grade zone at its Gabanintha Vanadium project in Australia. The company has just completed a 63 hole RC drill program […]

Mungana Goldmines attracts Newcrest Mining as JV partner

Positive news from Mungana Goldmines (ASX:MUX) as the company announced it attracted Newcrest Mines (ASX:NCM) as a partner to explore for large copper-gold properties on the Chillagoe project in Queensland, […]