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Brixton Metals Corp. - Thorn Property Landing Strip

Brixton Metals acquires 100% of Thorn Project

Brixton Metals (BBB.V) announced last week they entered into a non-binding agreement to acquire 100% of the Thorn property in British Columbia. Brixton will pay $1.5M in cash and issue […]

Edgewater Exploration Ltd. - Corcoesto

Edgewater Exploration reports infill drill results

Edgewater Exploration (EDW.V) has announced new drill results at their 100%-owned Corcoesto Gold Project in Galicia, Spain. Highlights are in excess of 12 meters at 3.24g/t including 1.5 meters at […]

Columbus Copper Corp. - Bursa Copper

Empire Mining changes name and trading symbol

Empire Mining has started trading today as Columbus Copper (CCU.V) to emphasize the company’s focus on its copper projects in Turkey and Serbia and to reduce overhead costs (although we […]