Non-revenue exploration companies are having a tough time this summer as it looks like Mr. Market doesn’t care about anything. This doesn’t make the life of junior executives easier and […]
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European Metals attracts 6M EUR from the EBRD
European Metals (EMH.L, EMH.AX) has entered into a strategic investment agreement with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the EBRD) whereby the latter has committed to invest 6M EUR […]
Sierra Madre intersects high-grade gold at La Tigra
The past year, pretty much all attention was going to Sierra Madre’s (SM.V) game-changing acquisition of the La Guitarra silver mine and mill from First Majestic Silver (AG, FR.TO). After […]
Heliostar Metals releases best result to date at Ana Paula: 242 meters at 9.06 g/t gold
Heliostar Metals (HSTR.V) isn’t wasting any time and just a few days after closing a private placement which allowed the company to add about C$7M to its treasury, it announced […]
Integra Resources releases additional stockpile drill results at DeLamar
After releasing an excellent maiden PEA on the Wildcat/Mountain View projects in Nevada, Integra Resources (ITR.V, ITRG) released yet another batch of stockpile drill results on its DeLamar project in […]
Tocvan Ventures releases update on metallurgical test work
Tocvan Ventures (TOC.C) announced a comprehensive update on its metallurgical test work earlier this month. The leaching process has now been completed and the team on the ground has started […]
7,000 meter drill program is now well underway at Kliyul
Pacific Ridge Exploration (PEX.V) plans to drill 7,000 meters at its flagship Kliyul copper-gold project. Drilling started a few weeks ago, in June, and this year’s exploration plan aims to […]
Heliostar Metals closes C$7M financing
Heliostar Metals (HSTR.V) successfully closed a financing priced at C$0.37 per unit with each unit consisting of one common share and half a warrant with each full warrant allowing the […]