There usually isn’t a big (or even any) difference between the press release announcing the summary of a technical report and the data that are actually in the technical report. […]
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Regency Silver encounters sulphide bearing brecchia in two holes
Regency Silver (RSMX.V) has already completed three holes on its Dios Padre project where it aims to follow up on the discovery of a high-grade hole last year. While hole […]
Report: NevGold – Nutmeg Mountain and Limousine Butte will be drilled this year
NevGold Corp (NAU.V) released strong drill results on its flagship Limousine Butte oxide gold project in Nevada last year, but investors tend to forget the company owns an additional three […]
Western Alaska Minerals outlines 2023 drill targets
PDAC is around the corner and most companies are hoarding news until then as the Monday morning during PDAC traditionally is one of the busiest news days of the year. […]
Integra Resources and Millennial Precious Metals are merging
Integra Resources (ITR.V, ITRG) and Millennial Precious Metals (MPM.V) announced earlier this week an at-market merger whereby Integra Resources will absorb Millennial. Shareholders of Millennial Precious Metals will receive 0.23 […]
Report: Infinitum Copper – Appoints new CEO, enters into JV agreement on Hot Breccia
Last week, Infinitum Copper (INFI.V) announced it entered into an agreement with Prismo Metals (PRIZ.C) whereby the latter can earn a 75% stake in the Hot Breccia project in Arizona. […]
Dolly Varden’s focus on the Wolf Deposit pays off
Dolly Varden (DV.V) continues to rapidly advance its Kitsault Valley project as the company has recently released assay results from both the Wolf Zone (part of the Dolly Varden area […]
Lithium Chile engages Ausenco Engineering for Arizaro PEA
Lithium Chile (LITH.V) has announced it has engaged Ausenco Engineering to coordinate and produce the Preliminary Economic Assessment on its Salar de Arizaro lithium project in Argentina. That project is […]