Tag: #gold

Barnes Hill Project - Tasmania, Australia

Proto Resources – Q&A

We discuss recent developments and the future of Proto Resources (ASX: PRW). Final permits for Barnes Hill, the resource estimate, and other exploration work. [download_link link=”http://www.caesarsreport.com/freereports/CaesarsReport_2013-01-21.pdf” variation=”blue”] DOWNLOAD REPORT [170kB][/download_link]

Tembo Gold Corp. - Well understood geological granite greenstone terrane with parallels worldwide

Tembo Gold reports monster hole at Tembo Project

Tembo Gold (TEM.V) has reported the results of a first deep diamond drill hole at their 100% owned Tembo Project in Tanzania. The company tabled an astonishing drill intercept of […]

The anti-mining protestors in Galicia are getting desperate

The anti-mining platform ‘Defensa de Corcoesto’ seems to become increasingly desperate in their attempts to prevent mining from happening at Edgewater Exploration’s (EDW.V) Corcoesto gold project in Galicia, Spain. In […]

Colt Resources announces financing deal

Colt Resources (GTP.V), a Portugal-focused gold and tungsten exploration company, announced they received firm commitments from certain parties to conduct a non-brokered private placement. The company plans to raise C$8M […]

Cliffmont announces outstanding drill results

Cliffmont Resources (CMO.V) has announced excellent drill results on their San Luis property once again. At San Jorge, the company intercepted 235g/t gold and 90g/t silver over a width of […]

Proto Resources & Investments Ltd.

Proto announces update on Mt. Vetters drilling program

Proto Resources (ASX:PRW) will shortly commence two separate drill programs at their 50% owned Mt. Vetters project in Western Australia. A Reverse Circulation program will target nickel mineralization approximately 5km […]