Tag: #PumpkinHollow

Nevada Copper

Nevada Copper – Site Visit Photos

We visited Nevada Copper’s (NCU.TO) Pumpkin Hollow project at the end of April to get a better understanding of the project. Robert McKnight (Executive Vice President & CFO) and Greg […]

Nevada Copper’s shaft reaches the desired level

Nevada Copper (NCU.TO) has announced its production-sized shaft with a diameter of 24 feet has reached its targeted depth of 1900 feet. This is a bit later than originally anticipated […]

Nevada Copper signs $200M debt deal

Nevada Copper (NCU.TO) has announced it has signed a new debt agreement with Red Kite for a total consideration of up to $200M. A first tranche of $90M has already […]

Nevada Copper’s land bill passes the senate

Good news for Nevada Copper (NCU.TO) from the United States Senate as it has approved the NDAA with 89 votes in favor of the proposal whereto the Yerington land bill […]

This week could be very important for Nevada Copper

Nevada Copper’s (NCU.TO) share price action should be watched closely this week as the company has announced the land bill has been added to the National Defense Authorization Act (‘NDAA’) […]