Stellar Resources (SRZ.AX) has confirmed it will drill an additional two holes as part of its Phase 1 drill program. These two holes will add approximately 1,900 meters of drilling […]
Tag: #Tin
AfriTin secures 2M GBP loan note facility
AfriTin (ATM.L) has announced it has signed an agreement to issue 2.05M GBP in 1-year notes which will be issued in tranches of 50,000 GBP and have a 10% coupon. […]
AfriTin Mining reports maiden JORC-compliant resources at Uis Tin
AfriTin Mining (ATM.L) has published a first resource estimate on its 85%-owned Uis tin project in Namibia, where CSA Global has put together an initial resource of 71.5 million tonnes […]
Stellar Resources receives St Dizier tin mining lease
Stellar Resources (SRZ.AX), a small tin company in Australia, has been granted a mining lease on its St Dizier tin project, allowing it to mine tin (and other metals) for […]
Thomson Resources encounters more shallow tin intercepts
Thomson Resources (ASX:TMZ) has completed a total of 1,800 meters of drilling at its Bygoo tin project (10 holes for 762 meters were completed at Bygoo North, while the Big […]
Blackheath Resources finds more tungsten at Borralha
Last year, Blackheath Resources (BHR.V) completed an additional drill hole at the Santa Helena breccia, part of the Borralha tungsten project. This hole was drilled approximately 100 meters south of […]
Meridian Mining’s Tin Tailings project has attractive economics
A few weeks ago, Meridian Mining (MNO.V) released the results of a Preliminary Economic Assessment it had commissioned on its Bom Futuro tailings project in Brazil where it plans to […]
Metals X confirms the viability of the Rentails tin project
Metals X (ASX:MLX) has published the results of its definitive feasibility study on the Renison Tailings Retreatment project (or just ‘Rentails’). The Renison project already produces 7,000 tonnes of tin […]