Skyharbour Resources (SYH.V) has closed a previously unannounced placement to raise C$1.68M in a mix of hard dollars and flow-through dollars which will further boost the company’s cash and working […]
Tag: #Uranium
Azarga Uranium: a positive PEA at $55 uranium (but we aren’t there yet)
Azarga Uranium (AZZ.TO) continues to work on its flagship Dewey Burdock ISR uranium project in South Dakota and has now published the results of a Preliminary Economic Assessment on the […]
Skyharbour Resources completes aerial survey, prepares for drilling at Moore Uranium
Skyharbour Resources (SYH.V) has now completed the aerial survey over its Moore Uranium project in Canada’s Athabasca basin. The company was awaiting the final results of this survey before further […]
GoviEx signs development deal with Niger for the Madaouela uranium project
GoviEx Uranium (GXU.V) has entered into an agreement with the Republic of Niger on a framework to develop the Madaouela uranium project in the country. Niger will obtain a first […]
Azincourt Energy gears up for a 15 hole winter drill program at East Preston
Azincourt Energy (AAZ.V) is currently advancing its permitting and drill targeting process to complete an additional 15 hole drill program on its East Preston uranium project in the Athabasca Basin. […]
Report: Blue Sky Uranium – An excellent PEA provides a stepping stone for growth
Although there’s absolutely no excitement whatsoever on the uranium markets, we wanted to have another look at Blue Sky Uranium (BSK.V) which published the results of its Preliminary Economic Assessment […]
Skyharbour Resources drills 12 meters of 0.62% U3O8 at Moore Uranium
Skyharbour Resources (SYH.V) has completed its spring drill program which consisted of 2,783 meters in 7 drill holes (one was drilled at Nutana (1), three were drilled at the newly […]
Blue Sky Uranium: on track to expand the Ivana resource and improve the economics
Blue Sky Uranium (BSK.V) has recently released its exploration plans for its Ivana uranium-vanadium deposit for this year as it plans to expand the 22.7 million pound uranium resource (which […]